Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2011, What do you have for us?

So...uhhhh.......it's been awhile....sorry!!! Life has been a little crazy (as usual) but I am back!

What you missed.....Brayden getting horribly spoiled at Christmas time; family time; Matt deciding Haiti is calling him; discussions, many, many ,many discussions on whether we are ready to start trying for another baby Weed (FYI Matt is decided, I am not!); refocusing on my business with some MAJOR goals. So, you know, not much ;)

I am going to break the habit of assuming this year...my assuming leads to worrying and worrying is the exact opposite of peace! I am realizing that all my worrying can't and won't change anything. So I am "letting go and letting God" CLICHE!!!! But that's what I'm doing!

And I have been trying to be a better wife and friend to Matt. GASP......You mean I'm not perfect?!?!?!?! Hahaha! Yeah, right! :) I am becoming more and more aware that love really is a choice. We are all human, we all mess up and fail and say the wrong thing and forget what we said we were going to do and are lazy.....hence the need for a Savior ;) BUT love is choosing to look past those things, to not even see them really and just LOVE.

I don't want to look back at me life and realize I froze out, dishonored, disrespected, or snapped at my best friend, my soul mate, my lover, my biggest advocate because he wasn't perfect, because I was emotional, because we disagreed, because of anything.

So my goal this year is to make it a habit to chose love.

What habits are you going to break or create this year?

1 comment:

  1. Baby! Baby! Baby :) You gotta get going if you're going to pop out multitudes! Great goals, especially working on your relationship with Matt. You have to always be trying your hardest to keep on top of any potential problem. At least that's our hope around here :) Happy New Year!!
