Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Math Lesson

I was asked for a blog update from dear friends who I don't get to see much so here goes.......

(WWJD-W) + I + (ing)=What Is Jesus Doing

(If you don't get it, don't worry....it came to me as I was falling asleep last night at 11:30!)

"Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ-that's where the action is. See things from His prespective." (Col. 3:1b-2, The Message)

This passage hit me between the eyes and went straight through my heart last night. I want to BE where Jesus is, DOING what He's doing, loving WHO He's loving. 

For as long as I can remember, I loved serving.....With other Christians, I love being able to ease someone else's burden, to lighten their load so they are free to focus solely on what the Lord has put in their hands to glorify Him with. Call me Aaron. Call me Hur. :)

Outside the four walls of my life? A handful of times, the Lord has taken my out of my comfortable, cushy surroundings and set me down in the middle of where His heart is. And those times slowly started to feed a fire that is now starting to burn with compassion and not just sympathy. There isn't just a tugging at my heart but a full on wrenching.

Jesus came for the broken, poor, abandoned, outcast, scarred, defeated, scared.

And THAT is who my heart is crying for. 

The last month has seen a HUGE upheaval in the Weed house but there has only been peace and excitement because there has been no doubt in our minds that it's all the Lord's doing.  Resting in the knowing that He has done this is much more peaceful than trying to "figure out" what's going to happen. 

The long and short of it is this....The Lord spoke very plainly that we were to start going to a new church. That's it. There was nothing else. NOTHING.

So we cried. And tried to reason staying. And surrendered. And had some really tough conversations. And cried some more. And then we obeyed. 

And we have been BLESSED for that obedience. 
And yes, I would call seeing the mass imperfections in myself a blessing...cause if I don't see them, I can't give them to Jesus, and if I can't give them to Jesus, how is He going to make me more like Him?

So here we sit, on the brink of something scary and challenging and  so absolutely wondrous that it can only be Him.

Total side note: Brayden birthday party is Friday night and my house is a WRECK trying to get everything ready. I love it! :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I am a list person...in my mind, on paper, as I'm writing this... :) So here are a few lists:

1. Big boy bed, totally potty trained, new room decor.
2. Wants to be outside...ALL THE TIME...in the dirt, in the grass, playing baseball, chasing/being chased by his lawn mower, finding bugs, smashing bugs. His other favorite is anything to do with super heroes :)
3. Is digging bath time, unless we are washing his Bieber hair-do (not by choice, waiting on a hair appt!).
4. Is obsessed...no, make that OB-SESSED with wedgies.....as a way to entertain US....our bad for laughing hysterically when he runs into the room, sans pants, sticking his booty out, yelling "I got a WEDGIE!" and then wiggling said booty to some crazy music in his sweet little head :)
5. He thinks every little kid he sees (in a store, at a play ground, on the tv or computer) is his "FUR-end"
6. Has decided that Mommy is a princess and he must save her from all dinosaurs, bad guys, alligators and occasionally Daddy (tickle wars include the WHOLE family on our house).
7. Has gotten in the habit of hitting me like a line backer at the knees and growling/screeching/sing-songing "I wub you Mama" .....melt my heart.....and book my knee replacement surgery ;)
8. Has a strange relationship with Matt right now....he is the first thing he wants when he gets up, who he asks for all day (more like whines but whatever!) and then the minute Matt gets home...."No WANT Daddy look at me!!" or talk to him, or play with him or have anything to do with him.....It's all about Mommy when Daddy gets home......strange yet normal, right? :)
9. Asks me at least once a day "I Brayden Weed?" Think we are going to work on who we are in Christ :)
10. LOVES his Sunday school class :)

1. Home from Haiti, ready to adopt :)
2. Has started a "Man Time" thing with a couple of the guys from Haiti and some other friends.....frrm what I can pry out of him...he is loving the deep conversations they have...not that I get to know what they are about! :-P
3. He just passed an exam to elevate his electrician status...meaning one more step to turning out!! Whoop whoop! He is so smart mathematically.....and I am so proud of how hard he works :)
4. Wants a dog (as does Brayden...imagine that!) and will not get one right now ;)
5. Lost almost 25 lbs and is looking even HOTTER then ever....and he feels a lot better.

1. Have had The Curse of the Black Thumb lifted!!!! Hallelujah! I have tomatoes, peppers, cilantro (YUM!), basil, and oregano all growing beautifully with cucumbers, carrots, onions, green beans and peas all to come :)
2. Have discovered I am not totally inept at DIY projects...I managed to paint and stain a dresser for Brayden's room and have a desk and night stand waiting to be redone to match.
3. Discovered the keys to being productive....either leave the house in the morning or have a million kids running around. One's simple, the other's is way better!
4. Learning new ways to be more like Jesus...in other words, less like the me the world has tried to convince me to be and more like the me the Lord created me to be. (that was a lot of me's, to's and be's!)
5. Have turned into Susie Homemaker and been cooking, baking and experimenting in the kitchen a LOT lately...we shall see if it's just a season or here to stay ;)
6. Have also discovered I use :) ;) and :-P waaaaay too much.....but I feel the need to make sure people know I am make those faces when communicating in ways that aren't face to face.
7. Advanced my business by helping someone else reach their goals.....have I mentioned lately that I LOVE my "job?" Cause I totally do!!!! Looking forward to doing it again!

That's the last few months in a list.......We are focusing on living each day for today while still dreaming and planning for the future...a delicate balancing act but way worth it.

One last thing....
Things to pray for:
-Matt's uncle was diagnosed with cancer...pray the treatment the Lord showed them is God's boot kicking it out of his body!
-Dear friend moved her sweet little family to Cameroon, Africa...protection, peace and His presence.
-Two friends are in the process of adopting form Ethiopia...favor favor favor!!!
-Friend who had her miracle baby at 29 weeks and 2 days.....would continue to blow all the doctors and nurses out of the water as she defies every odd against her.....SUCH A HUGE MIRACLE IN SUCH A SMALL PACKAGE!!!! And pray she would get to come home SOON!

Thank you :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2011, What do you have for us?

So...uhhhh.......it's been awhile....sorry!!! Life has been a little crazy (as usual) but I am back!

What you missed.....Brayden getting horribly spoiled at Christmas time; family time; Matt deciding Haiti is calling him; discussions, many, many ,many discussions on whether we are ready to start trying for another baby Weed (FYI Matt is decided, I am not!); refocusing on my business with some MAJOR goals. So, you know, not much ;)

I am going to break the habit of assuming this year...my assuming leads to worrying and worrying is the exact opposite of peace! I am realizing that all my worrying can't and won't change anything. So I am "letting go and letting God" CLICHE!!!! But that's what I'm doing!

And I have been trying to be a better wife and friend to Matt. GASP......You mean I'm not perfect?!?!?!?! Hahaha! Yeah, right! :) I am becoming more and more aware that love really is a choice. We are all human, we all mess up and fail and say the wrong thing and forget what we said we were going to do and are lazy.....hence the need for a Savior ;) BUT love is choosing to look past those things, to not even see them really and just LOVE.

I don't want to look back at me life and realize I froze out, dishonored, disrespected, or snapped at my best friend, my soul mate, my lover, my biggest advocate because he wasn't perfect, because I was emotional, because we disagreed, because of anything.

So my goal this year is to make it a habit to chose love.

What habits are you going to break or create this year?