's been awhile....sorry!!! Life has been a little crazy (as usual) but I am back!
What you missed.....Brayden getting horribly spoiled at Christmas time; family time; Matt deciding Haiti is calling him; discussions, many, many ,many discussions on whether we are ready to start trying for another baby Weed (FYI Matt is decided, I am not!); refocusing on my business with some MAJOR goals. So, you know, not much ;)
I am going to break the habit of assuming this assuming leads to worrying and worrying is the exact opposite of peace! I am realizing that all my worrying can't and won't change anything. So I am "letting go and letting God" CLICHE!!!! But that's what I'm doing!
And I have been trying to be a better wife and friend to Matt. GASP......You mean I'm not perfect?!?!?!?! Hahaha! Yeah, right! :) I am becoming more and more aware that love really is a choice. We are all human, we all mess up and fail and say the wrong thing and forget what we said we were going to do and are lazy.....hence the need for a Savior ;) BUT love is choosing to look past those things, to not even see them really and just LOVE.
I don't want to look back at me life and realize I froze out, dishonored, disrespected, or snapped at my best friend, my soul mate, my lover, my biggest advocate because he wasn't perfect, because I was emotional, because we disagreed, because of anything.
So my goal this year is to make it a habit to chose love.
What habits are you going to break or create this year?